Thursday, March 20, 2014

Review: Cinder

Summary:Cinder is a cyborg living in New Beijing after World War 4, with her step-mother, Adri, and her two step sisters, Pearl and Peony. Cinder owns a booth in the market place, where she works as a mechanic with the family's android, Iko. While she is working, she meets Prince Kai, who asks her to fix his android, Nainsi. After Kai leaves, the market is evacuated because a baker, Chang Sacha, has been infected. Prince Kai's father, Emperor Rikan, is currently sick with letumosis, otherwise known as the Blue Fever, a plague that is terrorizing the Commonwealth. There have been no plague survivors.

Review: Yehhhh!!!! I finally read Cinder and it was even better than I thought it would be. I loved every aspect of it. The characters were great (except for Levana of course... Actually Levana was pretty great) and I thought the character development was fantastic. Cinder was funny and sarcastic and her relationship with the prince was perfect. Anytime they were together I just couldn't stop smiling it made me so happy (and words cannot explain how sad I was at the end when... well if your read it you'll know what I'm talking about). The ending did feel a little rushed, but beside that I had absolutely no problems with the book. I felt like Meyer did a great job with the ending and it made me so excited for the next book! I recommend to pretty much anyone I'm not even a fan of sci-fi and I loved it. 

Okay so for this book I'm gonna do something a little different just because I can. Here's my dream casting for Cinder.

Okay for Cinder I really like Shay Mitchell or Emilia Clarke
For Kai I pictured Logan Lerman throughout the entire book 
And for Levana I think Lucy Liu is a really a really good choice 

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